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On the A9 from Graz take the exit Roßleithen
Turn slightly right onto Pyhrnpass Straße (B138).
2 Min. (2,35 km)
Turn left onto Pießling (L1318)
4 Min. (3,11 km)
Turn right onto L551
4 Min. (3,88 km)
Turn right onto Güterweg Vorderramseben
45 Sek. (294 m)
You have reached your goal. It is located on the left side.
On the A9 from Linz take the exit Hinterstoder
Turn left onto Pyhrnpass road (B138).
1 Min. (0,9 km)
Turn left towards Hinterstoder ( L552.)
5 Min. (5,75 km)
Turn left towards Vorderstode
7 Min. (4,29 km)
At the end of the road turn left onto L551.
2 Min. (1,57 km)
Turn left onto the road Vorderramseben
51 Sek. (293 m)
You have reached your goal. It is located on the left side.
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